I have no idea how this happened but I was blocked from accessing all the websites named on that blogspot. I was blocked by a filter placed on my computer. This website is one of those named so I was unable to come here either to get help.
My screen turned black with a message "Website Blocked By Filter"
I did not put this filter on my computer.
The only thing I can think of is I was on a pro JW Facebook page promoting Auxiliary Pioneering for April. I was asking "pertinent" questions about the 1914 generation etc., and I believe this is where and when the filter was attached to my computer. I was blocked from their site and the filter became apparent and effective almost immediately.
Also my IP address was reported to the server I access my internet through as being abusive which I definitely was not and consequently I have received a verbal warning from the server.
My neighbour found a "host file trojan" and removed it. Once removed I was again able to access all my favourite apostate sites!
They were also running my computer even when I was not using it somehow. I don't understand most of what I have put here so I am hoping some-one here does and can explain it better and advise everyone else how not not have this happen to them.
Amelia xxx